School Emergency Notifications

When there is an unexpected school closure, delay, early release, or other emergency; local radio and TV stations will be notified to make the announcement. The district also attempts to let parents & guardians know by our automated calling system, facebook, twitter, the Remind app and by posting on our district website.

The automated phone calling system will call the student's household phone number and any cell phones listed for legal guardians of the student. If you wish to change or update phone numbers listed or called/texted by this system, please contact the district's Technology Office at 740-385-9329 between 7am and 3pm.

Other ways to receive school emergency information is to follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Twitter text messages now require a Twitter account. SMS notifications without a twitter account have been disabled by Twitter. This link explains how to receive SMS Notifications with a Twitter account.

Here are our other Twitter text alerts.

Details and FAQs about the Automated Calling System
Our system will call parents/guardians and staff in the event of a school closure, delay, early release due to inclement weather or other school emergency. The system can call up to three phone numbers per family.

The student numbers that will be called are the phone numbers in the Student Information System that are designated by the category, “student lives with”. Students with siblings in school will receive only one set of calls per family. Should families wish to change or update their phone numbers, please call the district's Technology Office at 740-385-9329.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do you have to start the calls so early?
A: The first student bus pickup is at 5:40am, and it takes about 30 minutes to complete the call job. To make sure everyone gets the announcement, we need to start the call job early.

Q: My child is in elementary school and doesn't get picked up until much later. Can't you have two call jobs, one for middle & high school, then one for elementary schools?
A: Sorry, but this would make for even more calls (up to six per house) to homes with students at both levels. Also, many parents may need to make child care arrangements prior to heading off to work in the morning.

Q: Why are you calling both the home phone AND parent cell phones? This makes 3 calls at our house in the morning with the same message.
A: We must use the same calling list to make emergency announcements that happen during the day. This includes early dismissals, electrical power outages, etc. If we only have home phone numbers on the list and no one is at home for a call during the school day, then the message won't get through.

Q: I still don't want three calls in the morning. Can't you just call one cell phone for all announcements and remove the other numbers from the list?
A: Yes. Contact the district's Technology Department with this request by calling 385-9329.

Q: Where can I find more information about the district weather plans?
A: These plans are available at the following link, and include limited bus routes, delay starting times, and early release times.
District Inclement Weather Plans